Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Love, love love

Sammy was so much nicer to me at 5:00. He gave me a kiss (had to take my glasses off) and I babied him like crazy. I opened his sunflower seeds for him and fed them to him by hand. We had a really good time until.............................

We played the top of the cage game. You know the one..jump from one side to the other. It wasn't fun for me. But when I finally had him in my clutches and he couldn't fly away, I praised the #2*& out of him. Good boy, good bird, good Sammy, very nice Sammy...etc. No peanut for Sammy.

My son and daughter-in-law came over last was her birthday. She's 26, such a baby still. Wish I was 26 again. Anyway Sammy loves loves loves her. It figures.

More later.

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