Monday, December 17, 2007

Sammy Threw Up in His Mouth for Me

I know it's gross but it is a sign of love and appreciation from a bird. Paul has figured out that Sammy sees me as the reason he gets put into the cage. So for the past two mornings I have left the dogs in the bedroom and Sammy is extremely nice to me. He actually regirgitated 4 or 5 times while on my shoulder!! It was peaches and cream oatmeal. And he would swallow it back down and then give me kisses on my cheek. I know.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... My dogs have thrown up in front of me before but I did't see it as a sign of love.. Maybe I'll think differently next time. Good dog :)

Valerie Kreth said...

Hahahaha Shannon, that made me laugh out loud!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mom said to let you know she's not interested in seeing Sammy regirgitate when we come to visit!

I read the blog to her -- I thought she was actually going to throw-up!

Oh well, only a blessed few can talk and walk with the animals!!