Sorry for not writing for awhile but it's pretty boring and normal around here but now I'll update you all. Sammy says Good Bird, word up, and can whistle the entire, yes I said entire, Andy Griffith tune AND if we start to whistle it, Sam will chime in at the appropriate time!!!
We took him to the vet, who is also the breeder and Sam was not fond of Glenn after his examination. Did you know that you take a bird's temp just like you do for dogs?? Me neither. Glenn was thrilled to see Sammy again and kissed him and talked to him. Sammy is hale and hardy. And as soon as I can get Paul to do it for me, I'll have video.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
New Post
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
11:08 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Just a quick note because Val says I need to get back to work...
Paul was leaving for work the other day and I was already in the office/bedroom and on his way out the door I heard "bye" clear as day, in my voice. Paul replied "bye" and walked out. I called him immediately and told him that if he thought that was me, he was was Sammy!!! Paul said he knew that but I don't think he really did.
Also Sam is learning "good bird". He has the "ird" part down already. He's so smart!
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
4:40 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Sorry for my bad....
Sorry it has been so long since I've written but it's been pretty hectic around here. On Monday night the dogs killed a skunk in our back yard but not before the skunk got even. Paul woke up around 4 a.m. saying that something smelled burning plastic. I could just barely smell it so I thought nothing but "go back to sleep". Paul got up before me, as usual, but came back into the bedroom insisting that I come out into the house and go back into the bedroom to smell this "burning plastic". I turned off the heater and told Paul to go check it out which he did and all he saw was water on the pan below the hot water heater. I called and made an appt with a plumber but then.....
Paul said "I think there's a body in the back yard". He was looking out the window that is over the sink and I have seen at least two "dead" stuffed animals out there so I poo pooed him off. HOWEVER, when I went to look....yep it was a black and white heap. At about this same time, Paul saw that Lulu had been sprayed on the chest because she had a very yellow substance on her. Being the IDIOT I can sometimes be, I bent over to take a whiff and thought I was absolutely gonna vomit and then certainly pass out. Paul went out to check on the black and white heap and sure enough it was a skunk. After taking one more moment to be an IDIOT I discovered that Misha had a little on her between her eyes and Marty probably was downwind from the spraying.
Paul and I both had a doctor's appointment at 10:30 a.m. The time was now 9:00 a.m. and already he was trying to weasel out of helping me with the dogs......"I've got meetings all day long....Jack is coming into town today and we're going over the budget...etc...etc...etc..... I asked him to at least look through the phone book to see if anyone would come to our house to clean the dogs, but he "was busy". His "busy" was taking papers out to his car, going to the bathroom, and moving his car. HE WAS TRYING HIS BEST TO GET AWAY!! Ladies, you know what I mean. He didn't want to have to deal. Bad Bad Bad Man.
He gave in after a few hours and we found out the recipe for de-skunking and I suggest you have this on hand if you have a dog. It works pretty good...they still kinda smell but not as bad.
1 qt hydrogen peroxide
1/4 c baking soda
1 tsp dish soap.
Cover dog with this..let it sit for 5 mins or so
Rinse off.
Now, for Sammy the Bird, the Bird's the word, WORD UP!! He's in a squawking phase right now so he screams WORD UP in various low gutteral and high shrieking tones. But today he said Good Bird for us. And he mimics my laugh...ha ha ha ha....that's cute.
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
2:40 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Friday afternoon I had Sammy in my office (bedroom) sitting happily on his perch, when seemingly out of the blue he flew off screeching his head off. I didn't know what happened until it happened again today. After I went to get Sammy, I just happened to look outside and saw a large hawk in the front yard eating something. I have a few bird feeders next to the window and I bet both times the hawk flew at a bird on or near the feeder and Sammy thought he was a goner. Poor baby. I'll remember to close the blinds when he's in here.
On another note, I was visiting looking at parrot videos worthy of you, my few readers. I watched a lady make cornbread for her birds. She put chopped up veggies in there too and her birds just snarfed it up. So I made some today and Sam love love loves it. But I think it has too much sugar in it so from now on I'll make it from scratch.
FYI: The new Chips Ahoy! 100 calorie pack candy bites are to die for.
More later.
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
3:20 PM
Talking Parrot Paka Upside Down
I thought this was interesting....why upside down??
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
10:58 AM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Funny parrot dance
Turn up the speakers and enjoy.
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
11:16 AM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Organic Food for Sam
I've ordered a sample bag of organic parrot pellets for Sammy to try. He hasn't liked any other pelleted food that we give him and I've read that you shouldn't give him all seeds that these could cause fatty liver.
I ordered it from This site has been extremely helpful in every aspect of having and keeping a happy bird. They actually say that even picky parrots love this stuff. So I'm waiting to see if it is the cure all it professes to be. I read that this food can make happier birds and also can keep some feather pickers from picking. Here is the testimonial that I got.
"31% of Parrot's Biting Problems Are Caused By Being On A Seed Based Diet"
"I want let you know how much I enjoyed receiving your new organic pellets. My cockatiel, who is a very picky eater, actually devours them! It’s the first pellet any of my birds have touched.
We are working on getting the Senegal to eat them but the ‘tiel really needed the nutrition as he has been doing some plucking. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with it, but he has not been plucking since a few days after he began eating the pellets! Thank you for giving us an affordable choice of pellets."
-- Maureen
We'll see.
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
1:06 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I do have video of Sammy saying "word up" but I have to figure out how to get it on this blog. In the mean time, here's #2 of Ruby. Enjoy
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
11:57 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I realized when I saw this video that we can't go to sammy and say "Can you say Terri?" Ruby, the parrot on this video says all of that....funny stuff.
Posted by
Sammy the African Grey Parrot
3:02 PM